Eternal card game draft
Eternal card game draft

eternal card game draft

Okay … breathe in … breathe out … goosfraba! 3. To be honest, this might be currently my biggest axe to grind with this game! If you pair according to draft results, give rating points according to that, not another criterion! You really cannot have it both ways! Come on! Yes, having a ~78% win rate at a draft meant I lost some ranks. That meant that going 7-2 in a draft usually meant I lost some ranks. I have been frequently paired up against Bronze and Silver players while holding the Master title. From what I gather (might be wrong, though) in drafts you are paired with opponents according to your draft record, but you gain/lose rating points depending on your ladder status. This issue goes further than not having the rating information, though. The rating information should not be hidden from players! The same goes for both ladder and tournaments. There is no mention whether there is a small or a large gap between you and your neighbors. your place among the legends of the game. When you reach the highest Master level there is only your ranking, i.e.

eternal card game draft

Now, in Eternal, there is a visible rating on the ladder – but only from Bronze to Diamond. There was even a publicly-known equation where you could count your potential point gain / loss when you had all three statistics at your disposal (I have on several occasion re-counted my rating after some tournaments to see if I still was ranked #1 in my country). there were higher potential point gains and losses at bigger tournaments). You had a certain point value next to your name and won / lost points in tournaments depending on your rating, your opponent’s rating and the so-called k-value of the tournament itself (i.e. Back then in paper MtG there was a thing called rating – both in ranked and draft constructed and limited. The second pain point is here mainly because of my very long stint in playing in the competitive Magic: the Gathering scene a decade and more ago. Oh, and by the way – Eternal still has the better autotapper (because you do not need to actually tap any lands to play cards)! 2. Would it not be better just to implement a slightly different system, where you also have the option of either autopassing your whole turn (thus bluffing you have nothing) or even pausing in moments where you cannot play anything (assuming you have at least one power open or have drawn cards with effects reducing their power cost)? Yes, I am vying for going a step towards what MTG:Arena has implemented. let one attack through to see if somebody has a trick up their sleeve, or just use the 100%-proven knowledge in any other capacity. People tend to use the (partially hidden) truth about the stops and can i.e. In my opinion – that is not entirely cool, dear reader. The downside – you cannot bluff, as if you were playing with your hand revealed. in a draft you can look up all the cards they can play for up to two power on only Fire and Justice influence (it is usually Barrel Through or Finest Hour – you are welcome!). The obvious upside of this is – if your opponent has a stop, you know that they can potentially play something at that junction and i.e. moments when you technically could have played a card or otherwise done something. fast spells or ambush units) – either by not having enough open power, influence requirements or any cards themselves – the game fast forwards through all your stops, i.e. When you cannot play any fast cards (i.e. Yes, I went there! There are obviously some supporters and people opposing the current pause or stop system and I am certainly in the latter group. It is mostly about the game interface and how it connects to player experience. No, none of it is about improving the current ranked metagame, nerfing certain Fire/Primal site card etc. There are a couple of things that – at least in my opinion – could be improved in the game, and I would like to share my opinion about them. Not everything is at its 100% though – but to be honest, it rarely is.

eternal card game draft eternal card game draft

I have been through the very generous free-to-play approach, I have arrived as a Master in both Ranked and Draft play, I have even made top 64 in the first ECQ tournament. Although my Veteran card back only has a silver sword on it, I have already delved deep into the bowels of the game and enjoyed it on all levels. In each and every one there are usually things that are great, but there are also things that can – over time – be improved. Be it card games, board games, video games – I have seen a lot of them.

Eternal card game draft